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Home > Websites > Site Content > SRP URL Structures
SRP URL Structures
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Using filtered inventory page paths in the navigation is a very useful practice with many benefits. When using the URL on the website itself, do not include the domain ( but only the / and what follows. When constructing the page path, you can use any filter that you see in the refine results tool on the left side of the SRP. Then add the option(s) you would like selected after the equal sign. Any selection that has a space between words will need to use “%20” in place of the space. Use “&” to string together multiple filters in one page path. If more than one option is needed for one specific filter, use “[]=” in between the filter and selection term. While they are beneficial, the structure used can have some unintended consequences such as a blank page or unintended vehicles showing in the results.


Preferred Method:


Note: Here is an example of using %20 for spaces and & to tie multiple different filters together


OR if multiple of the same filter is being added


Note: Here is an example of using []= to add multiple selections for one specific filter


Other Methods with Unintended Issues:


Note: This has the potential to lead to a page with no inventory and leaves the customer with no further call to action


Note: This has the potential to show vehicles that are not intended when the query term matches inventory that includes the search term in the vehicle description field

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